
Contact information:

  Paul Rajlich

Welcome to the NCSA TerraServer Blaster! TSB is an OpenGL based
interface to the terraserver (www.terraservice.net), a 3.3 tera-byte online
database of high resolution USGS aerial imagery for all of the United States.
It can be used together with Chromium (chromium.sourceforge.net) to display on
high resolution display walls such as the display wall at NCSA:


Or it can be used with regular OpenGL on a desktop display.

The commandline for tsb is:

  tsb [config-file.txt]

If a config file is not specified, the default is config.txt. To use with
Chromium, edit the config file and replace the line:

  opengl windowWidth windowHeight


  chromium displayWidth displayHeight

where displayWidth and displayHeight are the aggregate resolution of the

New for version 1.3
- added label display
- added database of place names for use with terraserver basemap (places.txt)
- added automatic navigation 
- added example image with auto navigation (HiRISE)
- minor restructuring of code and config file format

New for version 1.2.2
- MacOS X compilation (patch submitted by Luc Renambot - luc@evl.uic.edu)

New for version 1.2.1
- can choose between dial and slider for DRG blending
- ability to save hotspots (code submitted by Mark Dillavou - dillavou@uab.edu)
  NOTE: when app is quit, new hotspots are saved in config-lastRun.txt 
    To make that the default config, soft link config-lastRun to config.txt

New for version 1.2
- added lat/long <-> utm conversions
- added DRG blending

New for version 1.1
- added support for downloading DRG (topo map) tiles
- added support for downloading USGS "urban areas" high resolution color tiles
- overlay images can be pre-loaded or loaded on demand (when visible)
- toggle display of overlay images

Usage Hints
To find a particular place, go online to www.terraservice.net and use the
"Advanced Find" features. This will allow you to search based on address.
You can then click on "info" to get the coordinates to enter into the
tsb interface. An alternative is to use maporama (www.maporama.com).


getTilesUTM is a helper application that fetches image tiles from the online
terraserver database using wget. It can be used outside of tsb to preload
large areas of imagery. The usage is:

  getTilesUTM tilesX tilesY [theme] [scale] [utmZone] [utmX] [utmY]

where theme is 1 for DOQ, 2 for DRG, 4 for USGS "urban areas".
where scale is 10-19 (10 = 1 meter, 11 = 2 meter, 12 = 4 meter, ...)

For example:

  cd tsCache
  ../getTilesUTM 10 10 1 10 16 395398 4441334

Will get 100 image tiles (10x10) around the utm coordinates specified.

Other uses
tsb can be used to display large images unrelated to the terraserver.
The terraserver basemap can be easily disabled in the config file. Take a
look at the config-blueMarble.txt and config-simpleTest.txt examples.

HOWTO for generating auto nav points
1. Run tsb 
2. Turn off autonav
3. Name and save each point of interest as a hotspot
4. Quit tsb
5. Copy config-lastRun.txt to new config, edit and change hotspots to nav points

address find