Broomsticks by Paul Rajlich Broomsticks 3D by Paul Rajlich


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  • Name: joe wealsy
  • Homepage:
  • From: england
  • Date: Mon Apr 1 14:28:07 CST 2002
  • Comments: paul,i dont mean to be rude or anything but in any of these contests that you are having the prize is a full verson cd of broom sticks and i was wondering why would you want another copy of broomsticks when you already have one?

    If you already have the Full Version, you can always give one copy to a friend. :-) Also, the new CD has Broomsticks 3D which the old one did not.

  • Name: Amina Ali
  • Homepage:
  • From: U.S.A
  • Date: Mon Apr 1 16:17:12 CST 2002
  • Comments: HI! I love ur game, it's very fun! BUT, I have a there a way that this game can have 50 points? ~*~Amina Ali~*~

    Do you mean "more than 50 points"? Yes, in the Full Version, you can choose whether the game ends when the gold ball is caught or when a certain number of points are scored.

  • Name: Chris
  • Homepage:
  • From: Bristol
  • Date: Tue Apr 2 06:48:52 CST 2002
  • Comments: I would play this 24/7 a day,if i didn't have to go to school,do homework and eat!Just one thing...WHY can't we adjust the number of black ball on the advanced demo?


    What you can adjust in the advanced demo changes once in a while. To be able to adjust everything, you need to get the Full Version! :-)

  • Name: Kalle Kalmari
  • Homepage:
  • From: Finland
  • Date: Tue Apr 2 11:17:10 CST 2002
  • Comments: Hello paul i want to ask does OpenGl ( it free (not good english i thing) Is it free? plz chance adwanced demo's specials i haven't full version i want to win it ps my winter skinn its not so good think so?


    yes, OpenGL is free. Most graphics cards do support OpenGL, you just need to make sure you have the drivers. The glsetup utility is supposed to make getting the drivers easier. Personally, I just go to the graphics card website and download them myself. It is very easy.

    I have not had a chance to try out your winter skins yet but I will later today.

  • Name: Daniel
  • Homepage:
  • From:
  • Date: Tue Apr 2 17:03:00 CST 2002
  • Comments: Hey paul i think you should start making broomsticks so that you can have more than 5 backgrounds (7 or 8).

    Good suggestion. You can use more than that right now by editing the .htm files but you are right, there should be more in the menu.

  • Name: Daniel
  • Homepage:
  • From:
  • Date: Tue Apr 2 19:26:22 CST 2002
  • Comments: Sorry about that message that said nothing, just get rid of it. But I got to thinking that maybe every 5 times (or you could even write in your own desired amount) you fly above someone(on the other team) and knock them to the bottom of the field (or if they do it to you) you get an automatic 10pts. like penalty shot. Just trying to make it more realistic if it's even possible!!!

    That's an interesting idea.

  • Name: Kalle Kalmari
  • Homepage:
  • From: Finland
  • Date: Wed Apr 3 07:37:34 CST 2002
  • Comments: Tis is my sitzuation *** No accelerated OpenGL driver found --- shuting driver *** The render failed at initialization --- display restored --- Setting display is OpenGl that im missing? or drivers??? i want to play 3d broomsticks demo!!

    Yes, it looks like you do not have OpenGL drivers installed. What kind of graphics card do you have? You should be able to go to the website and download the drivers.

  • Name: Luke Shang
  • Homepage:
  • From: Usa
  • Date: Wed Apr 3 13:22:04 CST 2002
  • Comments:

  • Name: Javed
  • Homepage:
  • From:
  • Date: Wed Apr 3 13:30:27 CST 2002
  • Comments: hi!

    Hi Javed! :-)

    I remember that you posted a long time ago.

  • Name: Kalle Kalmari
  • Homepage:
  • From: Finland
  • Date: Thu Apr 4 03:35:42 CST 2002
  • Comments: i don't know (yet) what craphics card do i have cos im only 13 yrs old but later today i ask to my father and i get driver thanx fof the tip and thanx for greating these games!!!

    Ok, let me know how it goes... By the way, one of the easiest ways to find out what kind of graphics card you have under Windows is to right-click on the desktop (the background), select Properties, and click on the Settings tab. The name of the graphics card will be displayed there.

  • Name: Kalle Kalmari
  • Homepage:
  • From: Finland
  • Date: Thu Apr 4 03:42:28 CST 2002
  • Comments: plz quit those contest quick (i want to have some changes) its so cool to play whit your own charters!! i certainly love your games!

    I'm not sure what you mean by that, but the characters contest is over and I will be announcing the winners soon. The other 2 contests are still open.

  • Name: Kalle Kalmari
  • Homepage:
  • From: Finland
  • Date: Thu Apr 4 10:18:09 CST 2002
  • Comments: Hi paul i got Ati rage mobility-p agp (english) (for laptop) graphics card i think i can get update from i have windows 2000 professional and in glsetup isn't opengl for windows 2000!

    For laptops, you may want to check the laptop manufacturer's website. For instance, I have an IBM Thinkpad X20 with an ATI Rage Mobility-M and I found the new drivers on IBM's Thinkpad site, not at ATI.

    Let me know what kind of performance you get. It runs pretty slowly on my laptop. However, on my desktop (which has an Nvidia GeForce2 Ultra), it runs extremely fast! Really, you need about 15 fps (frames per second) for it to be playable. The more fps you have, the smoother the animation. However, if you get above 60 fps, it doesn't really matter anymore because your eyes can't tell the difference. On my desktop it runs at well over 60, even at high resolutions like 1280x1024!

  • Name: Brad
  • Homepage:
  • From: Texas
  • Date: Thu Apr 4 17:17:04 CST 2002
  • Comments: Your game rocks!

    Thanks Brad!

  • Name: Daniel
  • Homepage:
  • From: OK
  • Date: Fri Apr 5 15:57:45 CST 2002
  • Comments: hey paul, it would be cool if instead of saying PLayer 1 &player 2 on BROOMSTICKS, it said one of the hogwarts houses (gryffindor etc). Is there any way you can get around the TM thing?

    There really is no way around the TM thing, that's the whole point of it. :-)

    I guess you will have to use your imagination. :-)

  • Name: Jason
  • Homepage:
  • From:
  • Date: Fri Apr 5 15:59:19 CST 2002
  • Comments: are you planning to continue improving Broomsticks or are you done with it and just work on Broomsticks 3d?

    I still do make changes to the Full Version of Broomsticks once in a while. For instance, I added passing for 2-on-2 play about a month ago.

  • Name: Daniel
  • Homepage:
  • From: Virginia
  • Date: Fri Apr 5 22:00:25 CST 2002
  • Comments: Paul, I know you're probably getting annoyed about all the people asking for the gold ball in the advanced demo, but I haven't used it yet, so could you put it in again? Also, the Broomsticks game is incredible! Is there a way you can order Broomsticks using a money order, because I would like the full version, but really don't know how PayPal and things like that work. Thanks for making Broomsticks!

    Ok, I will do that in the next couple days. Let me know if I forget. :-)

    Sure, you can use a money order or a check. Some people have even sent cash, which I do not recommend though.

  • Name: Michael
  • Homepage:
  • From:
  • Date: Sat Apr 6 08:35:38 CST 2002
  • Comments: Hi, remember me?

    There have been a lot of Michaels, any other clues you can give me about your identity? :-)

  • Name: Kalle Kalmari
  • Homepage:
  • From: Finland
  • Date: Mon Apr 8 10:43:26 CDT 2002
  • Comments: please paul announcing the winners quick thnx

    Yes, I will do that soon for the Character Design Contest. Thanks for reminding me!

  • Name: KC
  • Homepage:
  • From: NY
  • Date: Mon Apr 8 15:57:55 CDT 2002
  • Comments: Hi! i like ur game but it would so fun if i could really play this in real life because it is kind of hard playing with the keyboard. But it is a great game.

    Thanks KC!

  • Name: Daniel
  • Homepage:
  • From: OK
  • Date: Mon Apr 8 16:48:01 CDT 2002
  • Comments: Ii would be cool if there could be a beater player, or if you could fly into the black ball and(not fall down) make it go the direction you were flying towards.

    Thanks for the suggestion Daniel. I'm not sure how that would work with the gameplay though. Right now the black balls are to be avoided. Maybe with your idea they would just slow you down?

  • Name: Matthew Davis
  • Homepage: N/A
  • From: the top shelf of my fridge.
  • Date: Mon Apr 8 21:35:38 CDT 2002
  • Comments: This is my last message until I get "The 3D Game Creator" and my new computer. Once I have finished making my soon-to-be game 'Phrogz' I will be looking for beta testers. It won't be available on the net as I won't be able to fit it on disk to take to school and upload it from there, unless I make a demo of course =) Do you want to be one of the testers? (Referring to Paul)

    Sure, I'll try it.

  • Name: Kalle Kalmari
  • Homepage:
  • From: Finland
  • Date: Tue Apr 9 12:59:11 CDT 2002
  • Comments: Hello mattehws dawis i want to be one of your testers!!!!

  • Name:
  • Homepage:
  • From:
  • Date: Tue Apr 9 18:20:23 CDT 2002
  • Comments: does anyone here have the HP sorcerer's stone computer game? Right now i'm in the herbology challenge it rocks!!! Sorry Paul.

  • Name: Kalle Kalmkari
  • Homepage:
  • From: Finland
  • Date: Thu Apr 11 04:57:45 CDT 2002
  • Comments: whooooooo!!!!!!! i winned i cant belive thnx paul its very cool love your games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kalle

    Thanks for entering. I'll send out your CD tomorrow morning.

  • Name: Kalle Kalmari
  • Homepage:
  • From: Finland
  • Date: Thu Apr 11 05:04:56 CDT 2002
  • Comments: Paul do you got my Adress and everything if you dont here are thous adress: Vanha sotilastie 14c City: Helsinki Postal code:00850 Name: Kalle Kalmari land: Finland i think that all!! Love your GAMES Paul

    Thanks for the info Kalle.

  • Name: Brad
  • Homepage: don't have one
  • From: TX
  • Date: Sat Apr 13 11:49:47 CDT 2002
  • Comments: This game rocks!Can you put the broomsticks 3d on demo?PPPPPPPLLLLLLEEEEEEEAAAAAAASSSSSEEEEE

    I'm not sure what you mean Brad. There is a demo of Broomsticks 3D!

  • Name: Daniel
  • Homepage:
  • From:
  • Date: Sat Apr 13 20:24:07 CDT 2002
  • Comments: Paul when i try to make a new character i don't have the pictures like you have on the tutorial. (They are all jpg's.) So instead i just double clicked on players1.jpg and it opened it on photo suite. But it's harder to change them on this program. Can i just make a whole new thing on paint and then save it as a jpg?

    Do you mean that you can not load GIF images? Because you should be editing GIF images for the players. If you cannot use GIF, use BMP. JPG's should not be used for player images. Also, it is not a good idea to make a whole new thing because the players have to be in precise locations in the image. That is why the character images have the boxes (the grid lines).

  • Name: Ted Kendrick
  • Homepage:
  • From: Alabama
  • Date: Sun Apr 14 14:45:24 CDT 2002
  • Comments: Paul, does the prize that my DBZ characters won have the full version of br3d on it? If it does i'll keep it, if not i'll keep it, but give my old version to my friend. Does it have a full version of br3d? Please answer my question!

    Yes! The CD now has both games on it (regular Broomsticks and Broomsticks3D).

  • Name: Daniel
  • Homepage:
  • From:
  • Date: Sun Apr 14 20:38:18 CDT 2002
  • Comments: It's me again paul from 2 messages ago. What i mean is when i open the IMAGES file all it shows is jpgs. There are no gifs. or bmp.s! p.s. have you recieved my new background for the contest? If you have, i don't mean to nag you. Just want to make sure you get it.

  • Name: Daniel
  • Homepage:
  • From:
  • Date: Mon Apr 15 19:25:12 CDT 2002
  • Comments: I figured it out!!!!!!!(above).


    sorry I didn't answer sooner but I'm glad you figured it out. Did it have to do with the "Files of Type" setting?

    As for your background, yes I did get it and I will post it soon. Sorry for the delay.

  • Name: Ted Kendrick
  • Homepage:
  • From:
  • Date: Mon Apr 15 19:35:28 CDT 2002
  • Comments: How do you make Br3d skins? Can they be skins for other games, too?


    all you need to do is find repeating textures (images that repeat like wallpaper). There are many out there. Here's a good website:

    I found this site by doing a google search with this:

    free + tiling + texture

    Then, once you have found your nice images, scale them to 256x256 with your favorite paint program. Then save them as .jpg and put them into the skin zip file. You need to have the same paths and filenames as the original images in the zip file. Probably the easiest way to do this is to extract the zip archive, replace the images, and then zip it up again.

    Yes, most games do use repeating textures. However, I want to avoid using textures from copyrighted games. So, please find textures that are free to use.

  • Name: Kalle Kalmari
  • Homepage:
  • From: Finland
  • Date: Tue Apr 16 12:26:10 CDT 2002
  • Comments: Hello paul, whenn does that game comes to finland (its near from sweden and russia) i waiting it sooooooooo muchhhhhhhhh!!!! t kalle


    I'm not sure how long it will take, but it is on its way. Let me know when you get it.

  • Name: Shane
  • Homepage: N/A
  • From: PA
  • Date: Tue Apr 16 14:59:10 CDT 2002
  • Comments: Broomsticks is the best Internet game ever! It rocks! I beat the computer on full skill bar and the score was 50-0! Oh yeah! I really want the full version too!

    Thanks Shane! Impressive, you may be better than I am! :-)

  • Name: rebbecca hoffman
  • Homepage:
  • From:
  • Date: Tue Apr 16 17:54:41 CDT 2002
  • Comments:

  • Name: Daniel
  • Homepage:
  • From:
  • Date: Tue Apr 16 18:48:55 CDT 2002
  • Comments: It's me AGAIN Paul. This is what i did for the characters. First I opened PLayers1.gif , then i copied the whole image and pasted it on Paint. After that i changed the players to the way i wanted them, copied these new images and saved it as a gif. When i tried it, it worked fine BUT there is a white box around the character when i play, (it's not invisible like the others). What should I do????

    You need to set white as the transparent color. In the Microsoft Paint program, this is done under Image->Attributes.

  • Name: HPOTTER
  • Homepage: none
  • From: USA
  • Date: Tue Apr 16 20:08:36 CDT 2002
  • Comments: Dear paul, do you stil remember me? can you please put broomsticks3d on the internet without downloading it? I have been getting trouble downloading it. LOL!!! HPOTTER

    How could I forget. :-) You used to post quite a bit.

    Sorry, but this is the only way that you can play the Broomsticks3D demo. Regular broomsticks is a Java applet, that is why you can play from your browser. Broomsticks3D is a regular application (an executable) and so it must be downloaded and installed first before running.

    What kind of trouble are you having? It is a big file and so from an avarage dialup connection it will take 10+ minutes.

  • Name: Daniel AGAIN
  • Homepage:
  • From:
  • Date: Wed Apr 17 15:41:29 CDT 2002
  • Comments: Sorry paul, but i having trouble. When i go to attributes i can only chose between White/Wlack and Colors, there is no transparent. What???

    Maybe you have a different version of the progam? On mine, there is a "Transparency" section under the "Colors" section that you are referring to. If you don't have that, you can send the image to me by email and I will fix it for you.

  • Name: Brad
  • Homepage:
  • From: TX
  • Date: Wed Apr 17 20:28:25 CDT 2002
  • Comments: I tried the broomsticks 3d.It is better than the normal broomsticks.Awsome graphics.

    Thanks Brad!

  • Name: Kalle Kalmari
  • Homepage:
  • From: Finland
  • Date: Fri Apr 19 07:14:36 CDT 2002
  • Comments: Hello Paul i get broomsticks today ist SUPER good Lasertron is very good too!!!!


    I'm glad that you are enjoying the Full Version!

  • Name: xxx
  • Homepage:
  • From:
  • Date: Sat Apr 20 15:21:49 CDT 2002
  • Comments: I love your game! I hope I can get the full version. Is there a way to download the advance demo?

    Thanks! You can download the regular demo:

    The advanced demo changes every few days and so I don't have it available for download.

  • Name: ???????
  • Homepage: none
  • From: im not tellin'
  • Date: Sat Apr 20 17:40:35 CDT 2002
  • Comments: is there any way to get broomsticks full version for free?

    Sorry, but to get the Full Version you need to order it:

    Get the Full Version

  • Name: HPOTTER
  • Homepage: none
  • From: USA
  • Date: Sun Apr 21 10:44:28 CDT 2002
  • Comments: dear paul, I have a LAN connection to a dsl but whenever i try to open broomsticks3d the screen just turns black forever (I Do have Opengl if you think thats the propblem) Please help me fix the problem ANd if any one is able to run this program please inform me soon:-) HPOTTER

    You don't need an internet connection for Broomsticks 3D, so that doesn't matter.

    Take a look at the console.log file and see what it says.

  • Name: HPOTTER
  • Homepage: none
  • From: USA
  • Date: Sun Apr 21 19:41:25 CDT 2002
  • Comments: dear paul, can you make an upgrade for the people that have broomsticks so they can have the new Broomsticks3d?? if you can , that would be GREAT!!!! ;-(0 HPOTTER

    I'll think about how I can do that. The upgrade would be quite big to download or send by email.

    At the same time, even though I would like to I can't afford to send everyone a new CD. Maybe people who have the old Broomsticks CD can get the new one for half price? How does that sound?

  • Name: Matthew Davis
  • Homepage:
  • From: Australia
  • Date: Mon Apr 22 20:07:11 CDT 2002
  • Comments: Hey again. I know I said I wouldn't type in anything until my game was finished, but that wouldn't be for a long time. Besides, I kinda need a new computer and the actual program for that to happen. So what's happened since I last typed in something? I did e-mail three new sets, but they haven't come up. One of them was a item set. I'll be back again. See ya!


    thanks for reminding me. I have posted your new character and item sets.

  • Name: Dudz3663
  • Homepage:
  • From: The Philippines
  • Date: Tue Apr 23 03:58:35 CDT 2002
  • Comments: I checked out your homepage and Ifound out you had another game called Lasertron. Is there a full version of this game?

    Nope, that is the only version there is.

  • Name: Dudz3663
  • Homepage:
  • From: The Philippines
  • Date: Wed Apr 24 22:26:47 CDT 2002
  • Comments: Are you planning to create another game?

    Maybe. :-) Right now I am super busy with other things.

  • Name: Kalle Kalmari
  • Homepage:
  • From: Finland
  • Date: Fri Apr 26 08:12:04 CDT 2002
  • Comments: Paul, how can i have opponents to br3d i want to have another team vs my team.


    I will be adding a computer opponent soon and eventually network play so that you can play against other people.

  • Name: Daniel
  • Homepage:
  • From:
  • Date: Mon Apr 29 18:37:00 CDT 2002
  • Comments: Paul i know your busy but do you have any other screenshots of broomsticks 3d?


    I can make some more. Are you looking for a particular view?

    Also, I should mention that you can take your own screenshots. When running the game, click the "Print Screen" button on your keyboard. Then, go into Paint and select "Paste" from the "Edit" menu.

  • Name: Daniel
  • Homepage:
  • From:
  • Date: Tue Apr 30 17:18:37 CDT 2002
  • Comments: Any view is fine paul. Is there a character on the game or will you just see the broom handle? Have you played Quidditch on the computer "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" Game? It is awesome but there are a few minor details that could have made it better. 3d looks like it is comming allong great! Again, i know your busy but since this is a 3d game do you have sometype of map/floorplan of the castle that you could post?

    Ok, I will post some more. Remind me if I forget. :-)

    It is first person, so you only see the broom handle. However, when I add an opponent then you will see them. No, I haven't had a chance to play that game yet. I heard it was too easy. I'm planning to make my game for more serious gamers. :-)

    Yeah, I can post a floorplan too. Good idea!

  • Name:
  • Homepage:
  • From:
  • Date: Tue Apr 30 17:19:40 CDT 2002
  • Comments: Do you think you will have the contest winners chosen by sunday???

    Actually, I think I may extend the contests. There have been only a few background entries and no Broomsticks 3D skins yet.

  • Name:
  • Homepage:
  • From:
  • Date: Tue Apr 30 17:22:32 CDT 2002
  • Comments: Are you finished with Broomsticks 3d?

    Nope, I plan to add a lot more if I have time. :-)